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Boundaries in Dating and Relationships

Writer's picture: Anna MorganAnna Morgan

Updated: Jan 2

I wanted to share some thoughts on something important—boundaries in dating and relationships. Too often, guys think boundaries are a bad thing or that they'll turn a girl off. But as a dating coach, I can assure you, women appreciate men who know their worth and have self-respect. Boundaries show her that you value yourself and expect to be treated with respect too.

Boundaries in Dating and Relationships


What boundaries are


First off, let's get clear on what boundaries are. Essentially, they're the limits we set for ourselves in terms of what we're comfortable with in a relationship. These are like invisible lines that define what’s cool and what’s not in how we treat each other. This can range from physical boundaries, like how much personal space we need, to emotional boundaries, like how much we share about our past or our feelings.


Why Boundaries Are Important


  • Promotes Self-Respect: Setting boundaries shows you respect yourself. It means you have an internal compass and you’re not willing to compromise your principles just to keep someone else happy.

  • Enhances Communication: When boundaries are clear, it’s easier to talk openly about what you need and expect. This can prevent a lot of misunderstandings and arguments. For example, if you're someone who needs a lot of alone time to recharge, it's important to communicate that to your partner early on. Otherwise, they might feel hurt or rejected when you need space.

  • Prevents Resentment: A lot of guys have been taught to be agreeable and to avoid rocking the boat. Without boundaries, you might start to feel like you’re being taken advantage of. This can lead to resentment. Boundaries help ensure that doesn’t happen.

  • Encourages Healthy Relationships: Boundaries help create a balanced relationship where both partners feel valued and understood. It builds trust and security.

How to Set Boundaries


  1. Self-Reflection: First, figure out what your boundaries are. Think about past relationships and what made you feel good or bad. Use your emotional intelligence.

  2. Communicate Clearly: Once you know your boundaries, talk about them with your partner. Use “I” statements to express your needs without sounding like you’re blaming them. For example, “I feel uncomfortable when you raise your voice during arguments. I need us to discuss our disagreements calmly.”

  3. Be Consistent: Stick to your boundaries and address any violations right away. 

  4. Practice Assertiveness: Being assertive means standing up for your boundaries firmly but respectfully. When a boundary is crossed, address it calmly and respectfully. Avoid being aggressive or passive, but be clear and confident.

  5. Seek Mutual Respect: Encourage your partner to set their own boundaries and respect them just like you want yours to be respected. Just as you have your own limits, your partner will have theirs too. Listen when they share their limits, and show empathy and understanding. 

Examples of Boundaries In Dating And Relationships


  • Physical intimacy: Don't let things move too fast physically before you've had a chance to really get to know her and decide if you want a serious relationship. If you sleep together right away, it can create tricky dynamics and make it harder to see if you're truly compatible as partners.

  • Communication and personal time: You need to be upfront about your needs and expectations in terms of how much communication and face time you'd like. Don't just go along with whatever she wants - have the courage to speak up about what works for you.   For example, if she's the type that needs to text all day every day, but you'd prefer more space and personal time, say something. "Hey, I really enjoy our conversations but I also need chunks of time to focus on work/my hobbies with limited digital distractions." Setting that boundary upfront can avoid resentment down the road.

  • Time together: If you're looking for a relationship, but she still treats you like a casual fling in terms of effort and priority, speak up. "I really care about you and want to spend quality time together as a couple on a regular basis." Then see if she's able to match your level of investment.

  • Resources: Don't let yourself be taken for granted as an unlimited reserve to be tapped. It's okay to have boundaries about keeping some nights free for yourself, limiting how much you spend on dates to something reasonable, etc.

At the end of the day, boundaries are about respecting yourself and ensuring a mutually caring, considerate dynamic. The right person will appreciate your boundaries and be willing to meet you halfway. Boundaries don't push people away - lack of boundaries allows people to take advantage. So be confident in setting them. A woman worth having in your life will see it as a sign of a secure, self-assured guy who won't settle for anything less than an equal partnership of genuine mutual care and respect


Anna Morgan Coaching Boundaries

Anna Morgan Coaching specializes in guiding men and women in breaking through emotional barriers and developing the mindset and skills needed for successful dating. Anna offers 1:1 dating coaching for men, dating coaching for women, relationship coaching, and empowering dating profile pictures for successful online dating. Book a free discovery call and learn how your dating life can be changed.

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